Friday Congregational Prayer
Jumuah Services (Congregrational Prayers) are held weekly at the Ar-Razzaq Islamic Center with the Khutbah (Sermon) starting promptly at 1:00 PM. Congregants are encourage to attend from the beginning of the sermon in order to attain maximum benefit and not to miss this important part of the prayer. Jumuah Services last no longer than 30-minutes.
Friday is called Yawm al-Jum’ah in Arabic, meaning the Day of Assembly. Muslims gather for congregational worship during midday on Friday. Establishment of the Friday prayer is a commandment found in the Qur’an.
Ar-Razzaq Islamic Center welcomes guest to attend the Friday Congregational Prayers. This is a great opportunity to learn more about Al-Islam.
NOTE: Face Mask still required. Attendance is limited and on a first come first serve basis. Thank you for your understanding!

“O you who have believed, when the Adhan is made for prayer on Jumu’ah (Friday), then hasten to the remembrance of Allah (G-d) and leave off trading: that is better for you, if you know. And when the prayer is ended, then disperse in the land and seek of Allah’s bounty, and remember Allah much, that you may be successful.” – [Quran 62:9-10]